Stock Creator | FAQ

frequently asked questions

Get your questions answered here! For more information, please review our guidelines or create an account to contact us directly.

How are my photos used?

Your photos can light up websites, enhance articles, and bring creative projects to life. By sharing your work on stock platforms, you're not just selling images; you're helping brands tell their stories, supporting entrepreneurs in marketing their products, and inspiring designers around the world.

Will they be used to sell things?

Absolutely, and that's the beauty of it! Your creativity could be the face of the next big ad campaign or the key visual in groundbreaking product launches.

Will I know where they are used?

While stock platforms may not provide specific usage details, the thrill comes from occasionally spotting your work in the wild—on billboards, websites, or product packaging. It's a rewarding mystery.

What if I could have made more money?

Platforms work with competitive pricing and royalty structures designed to maximize your earnings. High-demand images and exclusive content have the potential for higher earnings, ensuring that your creativity is rewarded.

Do I retain the creative rights?

Yes, you do! You grant usage rights to buyers, but the copyright remains yours. This means you can continue to use your work elsewhere, retaining full control over your creativity.

Can I upload pictures from my phone?

No, phone images are generally not accepted by stock agencies due to lower quality. StockCreator supports uploads from desktop devices to ensure you can take full advantage of our advanced editing and bulk upload features optimized for desktop use.

Do I need to edit the images first?

Yes, we recommend editing your images before uploading them. Well-edited photos are more likely to meet the quality standards of stock platforms, increasing the chances of acceptance and sales. Our platform provides guidelines to help you optimize your images.

Will more agencies be added in the future?

Yes, we continuously work to expand our network of connected stock agencies. Our goal is to provide you with the widest possible reach for your content, ensuring you can tap into new markets and maximize your earnings.

Do I need releases for all my images?

Not necessarily. Model releases are required for images featuring recognizable individuals in commercial use. However, for editorial images or those without identifiable subjects, releases are not needed. Always check the specific requirements of the platforms you are uploading to.

Is AI not taking over the stock market?

AI is significantly enhancing the stock photography market by automating tasks like tagging and categorizing, allowing photographers to focus on creativity. The stock photography market, valued at $6.7 billion in 2023, is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 7.7%. In 2023, the AI market in stock photography is estimated to be valued at $33.5 billion and is projected to reach $60.8 billion by 2032. AI is expanding opportunities and improving efficiency rather than taking over, providing photographers with advanced tools to optimize their work and reach more buyers.

How much money will I make?

Your earnings depend on various factors such as the quality and demand for your images, the platforms you distribute through, and how effectively you use our tools. It's a numbers game, and our platform will help you upload as many pictures as possible. High-demand images and exclusive content can lead to higher earnings. Our analytics feature helps you understand what sells best to maximize your revenue.

How do I get started with StockCreator?

Getting started is easy! Simply create an account on our platform, connect your existing stock photography accounts, and start uploading your images. Our user-friendly interface and comprehensive guides will help you through each step of the process.

What types of images sell best?

Images that meet current market demands tend to sell best. This includes high-quality, well-edited photos that are relevant to trending topics and popular categories. Our analytics tool can help you track which of your images are performing well and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Is there a limit to how many images I can upload?

No, there is no limit to the number of images you can upload on StockCreator, you can always change your subscription. We encourage you to upload as many high-quality images as possible to increase your chances of sales and maximize your earnings.

Does it matter if the title, description, or tags are not 100% accurate?

Yes and no. While they don't need to be perfect, their main purpose is to help your content be found with the right keywords. Accurate titles, descriptions, and tags increase the chances of your content being discovered by the right audience.

Can I upload AI content?

It depends on the platform. Adobe Stock and Freepik accept AI-generated content, while Shutterstock and Envato Market do not. Always check the specific guidelines of each platform before uploading AI content. You can choose which platforms to submit your content to based on their acceptance policies.